GogoKid Interview Process Orientation and Self Record Mock Class

After you pass the initial live or self recorded interview you will then begin Steps 2 – 4.

Steps 1 and 2 –
There are several Gogokid orientation videos to which you have a long 25 multiple choice quiz. They good thing is that the questions are in sequential order of the videos. ie. The first portion of questions are related the the first video and the second portion is related to the second and so on. I probably spent only one afternoon to pass all of the quizzes.

Once you have passed all of the quizzes. You are required to do another self recorded mock class. You will be given a PDF of the slides including the slides you will be teaching as well as instructions on what you will be teaching. It is currently on Alex and his Friends, and circles.

At this stage there is quite a bit of booked slot availability – please note that this no matter what will be a self recording of 10 minutes.

They will give you a time slot of 25 minutes however you are given two options –

  • Read through the instructions for 15 minutes and begin teaching the slides at minute 15 to 25 and then clicking the “Finishing class” button
  • Go directly to the demo slides, teach for 10 minutes and then closing out of the browser because it will not allow you to Finish Class until the 25 minutes are over, you do not have to teach for the full 25 minutes.

Here is the hardest part – The Profile

Step 3

Now, given there has been a huge increase in applications due to the whole shelter at home decree. There has been a huge back up to in approving profiles.

What we have noticed in the Facebook group for GogoKid for Prospective Teachers (linked below), is that they are sending back profiles and videos up to 4 or 5 times. Their reasoning is that they want you to have the best profile photo and/or video to set you up for success but you can’t also help think it is another way to filter out applicants who are not dedicated enough to follow through after several rejections.GoGoKid Group for prospective teacher (official)

Here is my timeline.

May 5th – Booked my first demoMay 9th – Completed my first demo
May 13th – Passed my first demo/interview with Gogokids
May 15th – Submitted my self record mock and completed all orientation quizzes
May 18th – Received an email I passed the Orientation Videos and Self Recorded MockMay 20th – Video was denied
Video: Please demonstrate teaching style.
May 24th – Profile Photo and Video denied.
Profile Photo: Need to have a teaching background.
Video: They wanted to see the top of my head while I was teaching.
May 26th – Video denied.
Video: Video needs to have a brighter background.
June 6th – Video denied
Video: Please remove the map of China.

Finally when I sent my final video today (June 7th) it was accepted in 5 minutes and was offered my contract (Step 4)… a bit strange but happy I am finally able to teach!