Next Steps – HowFirst, your employer should have given you a “certificado de retenciones e ingresos a cuenta del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Fisicas”. The header should...
Every April I have the same question, ‘Do I have to file for Spanish taxes?” And every April I look through tens of links to answer the question. So here...
Pedraza is a small Spanish town in Segovia an hour and 30 minutes from the center of Madrid. Quaint little town of less than 400 habitants and 11/km2. Main attraction...
**DISCLAIMER: This option is only available if you earn less than $39,000 AGI (Adjusted Gross Income which will be explained further below). This is my fifth year abroad and fourth...
Our pick for late night drinks and breakfast in Alcalá de Henares is El Gato Verde. If you haven’t seen my post on my trip to Alcala de Henares check...
A quick overnight getaway was perfect to see Alcalá de Henares in the community of Madrid. Why Alcalá de Henares?It is very accessible in Cercanias or by car. It has...
My boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Ávila a place, to be honest, that I didn’t know until existed until we went. Only an hour and 10 minutes outside...